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Checkmate from close by (2)

It can be very smart to checkmate with a piece that is close to the king.
But don’t be hasty!
Always make sure your move is safe.
Even if your piece is defended, it can still go wrong.

Take a look at the chessboard.
The queen can check the king form close by in two ways. But only one makes checkmate.
The queen should not follow the advice of the red arrow.
Do you see why not?
The white rook defends the queen, so Black’s king can’t take the queen.
But Black’s rook is free to capture. Bye-bye queenie!

So, what should White do then? Just move up the queen one square higher. Then, it is checkmate. Black can’t take the queen.

What do you have to do?
Checkmate the king from close by. Make sure to pick a safe square to check!